Welcome to the Study Visit by Mae Soon Subdistrict Administrative Organization

koh samui elder education

🌞 Thrilled to host a delegation from Mae Soon Subdistrict in Chiang Mai on September 19, 2024! Together, we explored innovative approaches to elder education, fostering growth and well-being for everyone! 🌱✨

ElderEducation #KohSamui #KnowledgeExchange #TravelThailand #ExploreKohSamui #CulturalExchange #Seniors #CommunityBuilding #TourismThailand #VisitThailand

Introduction to the Study Visit

On the brisk morning of Thursday, September 19, 2024, the Petcharat Meeting Room within the Koh Samui City Municipality Office buzzed with anticipation. A special delegation had arrived from the rolling hills of Chiang Mai, specifically from Mae Soon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Fang District.

The Delegation’s Arrival

At 10:00 AM, Mr. Natthaphon Ratnaruck, the Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui, took on the role of host with great enthusiasm. With a warm smile and a firm handshake, he welcomed each of the 50 participants. The group, comprised predominantly of seniors, brimmed with eagerness to engage and learn.

The Purpose of the Visit

Dr. Somporn Khaikham, who heads the Senior School, led this contingent of lifelong learners. Their mission? To delve into the heart of Koh Samui’s approach to elder education. It was an opportunity to observe and absorb the methods employed by the Elderly School managed by the Koh Samui City Municipality.

A Session of Knowledge Sharing

The delegation was not simply there to observe. Exchange was the theme of the day. Ms. Pornthip Janphoeng, at the helm of the Elderly Organization of Koh Samui City Municipality, took to the stage. Her talk wasn’t just a monologue; it was an interactive session where stories were shared, questions were encouraged, and practical wisdom was exchanged.

Impacting Daily Life and Future Development

This wasn’t just about the now. The insights gathered were seeds to be sown into the fabric of daily living for these senior students. The goal? To enhance the well-being of each individual, and collectively, to bring about progressive changes within the organization and its people.

Conclusion of the Event

As heads of government departments and municipal employees mingled with the visiting members, the atmosphere was alight with connection and camaraderie. It was clear that this exchange would leave a lasting impression, fostering a bond between the two organizations that would extend beyond this singular event.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the primary goal of Mae Soon Subdistrict’s visit to Koh Samui on September 19, 2024?

The primary goal of the delegation from Mae Soon Subdistrict’s visit to Koh Samui was to engage in a deep exploration of Koh Samui’s innovative approaches to elder education. Dr. Somporn Khaikham, leading the group of lifelong learners from the Senior School, intended for the visit to serve as an opportunity to observe and absorb the methods employed by the Elderly School managed by the Koh Samui City Municipality. The session aimed to foster growth, enhance the participants’ well-being, and contribute to future development initiatives within their community.

How did the session of knowledge sharing during the study visit differ from a typical lecture?

The session of knowledge sharing that took place during the study visit was interactive and collaborative in nature, as opposed to a typical one-sided lecture. Ms. Pornthip Janphoeng, who is at the helm of the Elderly Organization of Koh Samui City Municipality, ensured that the session was more of a dialogue than a monologue. There was an emphasis on storytelling, encouraging questions, and exchanging practical wisdom among the participants. The approach was designed to foster a genuine understanding and sharing of experiences between the members of both delegacies.

What lasting impact did the visit of Mae Soon Subdistrict’s delegation have on the participants and organizations involved?

The visit from Mae Soon Subdistrict’s delegation had a significant and lasting impact, as it fostered a bond between the two organizations that is expected to extend well beyond the event itself. The insights and knowledge gained during the visit were intended as seeds to be cultivated in the participants’ daily lives, with the ultimate aim of enhancing individual well-being and catalyzing progressive changes within the Mae Soon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The event concluded with a sense of camaraderie and connection among all attendees, highlighting the success of the cultural and educational exchange in building lasting relationships.