thailand municipal governance

Delve into Thailand’s fascinating municipal governance history, from King Chulalongkorn’s reforms to modern advancements! Join us in celebrating Municipal Day on April 24th, honoring the crucial role of local administration in Thailand’s selfgovernance. 🇹🇭 Thailand MunicipalGovernance HistoryLessons LandofSmiles CelebrateLocalAdmins The Genesis of Municipal Governance in Thailand

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Summer Health Advisory: Understanding and Preventing Food and Waterborne Diseases

The summer months bring not only warmth and sunshine but also a heightened risk for a variety of health concerns, particularly those arising from food and water sources. As temperatures rise, so does the potential for certain bacteria to thrive, which can lead to a range of gastrointestinal illnesses. Awareness and preventive measures are key to ensuring a healthy season.

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food hygiene training program

Introduction to Food Hygiene Training

Food safety is a cornerstone of public health. In light of this, initiatives such as the Food Hygiene Training Program play a critical role in ensuring that food handlers are wellversed in maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety. The Koh Samui City Hall, with its dedicated commitment to health and environment, has launched the second batch of its Food Hygiene Training for those in the food service industry.

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consumer protection labeling regulations

Overview of the Committee on Labeling

Exciting news from the Committee on Labeling! They’ve unveiled the latest Characteristics of Controlled Labels (No. 5), a gamechanger for businesses and consumers. Starting Feb 12, 2024, businesses must meet these new standards to ensure transparency and reliability in product labeling. This update is a winwin, empowering consumers with more information and fostering trust in the products they buy. Stay tuned for educational resources and workshops to guide everyone through this transition towards a more informed marketplace. ConsumerProtection LabelingStandards CommitteeOnLabeling 🏷️🔍🛍️

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