Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals By 2030

sustainable development goals environmental conservation

“Join the Ministry of Interior and other stakeholders in promoting a sustainable future through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – encompassing economic growth, environmental conservation, and social inclusivity. Thailand’s commitment under the principle of “76 Provinces, 76 Commitments for Sustainable Development” will lead the charge in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development. Let’s stay committed to reaching the global SDGs on time for a sustainable and inclusive future. #SDGs #SustainableFuture #ThailandSustainableDevelopment”

United Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

The Ministry of Interior has joined forces with other stakeholders to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the objective of achieving all 17 goals by 2030. Adopted by 193 United Nations (UN) member countries since 2015, the SDGs represent a comprehensive framework for sustainable development and growth.

Five Dimensions of the SDGs

The SDGs are divided into five dimensions, which include:

  1. Environment (Planet)
  2. Economy (Prosperity)
  3. Peace and Institutions (Peace)
  4. Society (People)
  5. Development Partnership (Partnership)

These dimensions encompass the core components for achieving economic growth while ensuring environmental conservation and social inclusivity.

Thailand’s Commitment to Sustainable Development

The Ministry of Interior, in collaboration with the UN, has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development across all 76 provinces of Thailand. This initiative involves cooperation with various UN organizations and relevant networks to work towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Provincial governors are at the forefront of this drive, leading the charge under the principle of “76 Provinces, 76 Commitments for Sustainable Development.” The aim is to create a Thailand that remains a responsible global citizen, providing a positive environment for its people and future generations.

Challenges in Achieving the SDGs by 2030

Despite reaching the halfway point and having 7 years remaining to meet the SDGs deadline, recent reports show that only 12% of the goals are on track for completion by 2030. To address this challenge, the UN has scheduled the SDG Summit in September, which will take place at its headquarters in New York City.

The Final Stretch to Achieve Global SDGs

As we follow the progress of the UN and its member countries over the next 7 years, it is crucial to stay committed to reaching the global SDGs on time. This collective effort will ensure our world evolves in a sustainable and inclusive manner, benefiting both current and future generations.

To learn more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, visit the United Nations Thailand website.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and what are their main dimensions?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals adopted by 193 United Nations (UN) member countries in 2015, aiming to achieve a sustainable future by encompassing economic growth, environmental conservation, and social inclusivity. The SDGs are divided into five dimensions: Environment (Planet), Economy (Prosperity), Peace and Institutions (Peace), Society (People), and Development Partnership (Partnership).

2. What is Thailand’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Thailand, in collaboration with the UN, has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development through the principle of “76 Provinces, 76 Commitments for Sustainable Development.” The Ministry of Interior works alongside provincial governors and various UN organizations to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals across all 76 provinces of Thailand.

3. What challenges remain in achieving the SDGs by 2030 and what actions are being taken to address them?

Recent reports show that only 12% of the goals are on track for completion by 2030. To address this challenge, the UN has scheduled the SDG Summit in September at its headquarters in New York City. It is crucial for member countries to stay committed to reaching the global SDGs on time to ensure a sustainable and inclusive future for both current and future generations.