Renovating the Damaged Roof at Koh Samui Pier Walkway

renovation infrastructure

Koh Samui, a beautiful island in Thailand, is a popular tourist destination. The pier walkway, a vital transportation hub, requires renovation due to significant damage to its roof. In this article, we’ll discuss the process and challenges of this renovation project.


Koh Samui Municipality serves as the caretaker of the pier walkway. Upon discovering the roof damage, they coordinated with the pier owner and constructor to assess the situation and identify the necessary steps to repair the structure.

Renovation Plan

Initially, the plan was to renovate the SeaTran pier walkway at Koh Samui by cleaning and repainting the existing steel structure. This approach aimed to maintain the stability and strength of the roof structure while ensuring public safety.

Challenges Faced in the Renovation Process

Upon inspection, the project supervisor and contractor discovered that the steel structure had significantly deteriorated. As a result, cleaning and repainting would not suffice to restore its stability and ensure the safety of the public and tourists.

Amending the Contract

Given the unforeseen complications, the renovation contract required amendments. The revised contract now includes demolishing the existing steel roof structure and replacing it with a brand-new one.

Project Timeline

In light of these changes, the project timeline had to be adjusted. The amended contract was expected to be completed in July 2019, with the actual renovation work starting in August 2019.

Importance of the Renovation

The safety and well-being of the public and tourists are at stake in this renovation project. The Koh Samui pier walkway connects the island to other destinations in the region, so it is essential to maintain a safe and sturdy infrastructure.

Coordination with the Community

To keep local residents informed about the project, Koh Samui Municipality has issued an announcement outlining the plans and timeline. This way, the locals can stay up-to-date with the developments and be prepared for any potential disruptions during the renovation process.


The renovation of the Koh Samui pier walkway roof is a crucial step in ensuring the safety of everyone who uses it. With effective coordination between the municipality, pier owner, and constructor, the project aims to restore the walkway to its former glory and continue serving the needs of the community and tourists alike.