Loy Krathong Festival 2023: Preserving Cultural Heritage
🌸🎉 Join us at the Loy Krathong Festival 2023 in enchanting Koh Samui District of Surat Thani Province! Experience traditional performances, contests, and more during this culturally significant event happening on November 13 and 14. 🏮✨ Children aged 79 are especially encouraged to participate in the Little Noppamas contest. For more information and registration, reach out to Mr. Moo at 0818923814, Mr. Yai at 0883834819, or Teacher Fern at 0908917669. Let’s celebrate together and preserve our cultural heritage! 🙌🌍 LoyKrathongFestival2023 PreservingCulturalHeritage KohSamuiDistrict SuratThaniProvince TraditionalPerformances Contests LittleNoppamasContest EnchantingExperience NovemberEvents CulturalCelebration JoinUs ExploreThailand TuristicTrip