health education sports

Introducing the Healthy School Initiative in Koh Samui

Exciting news from Koh Samui! The “Healthy School, Happy Life with Petanque Sports” project has been launched at Wat Khunaram School to promote health and fitness among students. Let’s cheer on the students as they embark on this journey towards a healthier and happier lifestyle! HealthySchoolInitiative PetanqueSports KohSamuiCommunity HealthAndFitnessGoals 🌴🏐

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childhood obesity health education

Beat Obesity Project: A Comprehensive Approach to Tackling Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide and has become a significant public health issue. The “Beat Obesity” project, launched in Koh Samui on September 12, 2023, aims to address this problem by educating students, teachers, and parents about healthy habits, providing regular fitness tests, and analyzing health outcomes to help children achieve a healthy weight range.

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