tourism infrastructure

Phuket’s Ambitious Plan: A B148 Billion Tourism Upgrade

Exciting news for tourism in Phuket as the Transport Ministry requests a 148billionbaht budget for infrastructure upgrades, including a new airport, to make Phuket a regional hub. With visa exemptions and transport improvements also in the works, Phuket is set to become an even more popular destination! Phuket TourismUpgrade InfrastructureImprovements NewAirport VisaExemptions TransportImprovements WasteManagement EnvironmentalIssues

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phuket russian tourists

Phuket Authorities Refute Claims of Russian Influx

Phuket’s provincial police commander, Pol Maj Gen Sermphan Sirikong, along with representatives from tourismrelated agencies, recently held a briefing to address claims made in an Al Jazeera report. The report, which has circulated widely on social media since Wednesday, alleges that an increasing number of Russian tourists are taking jobs and operating businesses illegally on the island.

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phuket tourism

Addressing Phuket’s Water Challenges

Phuket, a popular tourist destination in Thailand, has been facing significant water challenges due to the rapid growth of tourism and urbanization. The island experiences annual water shortages of approximately 25.5 million cubic meters, primarily during the dry season. Moreover, the wet season brings flooding issues, as overflowing canals struggle to manage increased water levels.

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