Waterspout Sinks Tour Boat: Two Tourists Missing

wonders of nature rescue efforts

Incident Overview

A tour boat, carrying seven passengers, was struck by a waterspout and subsequently sank in the middle of Bang Ta Boon bay off Ban Laem district on Saturday afternoon. The sudden event resulted in two tourists going missing, as the boat was on a sightseeing excursion of the Ban Ta Boon bay. The incident was reported to the 191 police emergency center at around 5 pm.

The Rescue Efforts

Upon receiving the report, a rescue unit from the Sawang Sanphet Thammasatan Foundation was immediately dispatched for a rescue mission. The rescuers were successful in retrieving five passengers from the water, ensuring their safety. However, two passengers remain missing.

Information on the Missing Tourists

According to Sampan Jinping, the 63-year-old boat operator, the two missing tourists were both male. One of them was wearing a Hawaii shirt, while the other was dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans.

Witness Account and Ongoing Search

A video clip of the tour boat being struck by the waterspout was captured by a man who was dining with his family at a restaurant on the shore. The footage provided valuable information on the incident and the aftermath. The search for the two missing tourists continues, with all available resources being deployed in the hope of finding them.

Waterspouts: A Threat to Boaters

Waterspouts, which are essentially tornadoes that form over water, can pose significant dangers to boats and their passengers. These powerful natural phenomena can occur suddenly and wreak havoc on vessels in their path. It is essential for boat operators to stay vigilant and monitor weather conditions, especially when navigating waters known for waterspouts. Safety precautions and emergency plans should also be in place to minimize the risk of accidents and casualties.

With the ongoing search efforts for the two missing tourists, the incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that waterspouts pose to boaters and the importance of staying prepared for adverse weather conditions.