15 Police Officers Face Charges for Fleeing Dinner Party Murder Scene

dereliction of duty police officers

15 police officers are to be charged with dereliction of duty in connection with a murder at a dinner party in Thailand. Investigators have examined CCTV footage and witness statements to determine that 29 police officers were present at the party. #Thailand #PoliceCharges #MurderInvestigation

Dereliction of Duty Charges in Nakhon Pathom Incident

On September 6th, a tragic incident occurred at a dinner party in Nakhon Pathom, hosted by influential local businessman Praween “Kamnan Nok” Chankhlai. During the event, gunman Thananchai Mamnak, a close aide of Mr. Praween, fatally shot Pol Maj Siwakorn Saibua, a 32-year-old highway police inspector. Pol Lt Col Wasin Panpee was also wounded in the attack. The gunman was later killed by police in Kanchanaburi.

Dinner Party Investigation

Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) commissioner Jirabhop Bhuridej has been briefing reporters on the progress of the investigation. The investigators have met several times to discuss potential legal action against the police officers present at the dinner party who failed to confront the gunman or maintain the crime scene. After examining security camera footage, witness statements, and other evidence, it was determined that 29 police officers were in attendance that night.

Grouping the Officers

The investigators divided the officers into four groups:

  1. The deceased and injured officers
  2. Six officers charged with dereliction of duty and concealment of evidence (previously arrested and dismissed)
  3. Six officers who helped the deceased and injured officers
  4. Fifteen officers who fled the scene, now facing dereliction of duty charges

The 15 officers in the fourth group will be formally charged this week, according to the CIB chief.

False Statements Investigation

An investigation into charges of giving false statements is still ongoing. According to Jirabhop Bhuridej, these officers violated Section 157 of the Criminal Code, which states that if a police officer witnesses a crime, they are duty-bound to arrest the wrongdoers unless there is a good reason not to, such as helping the injured.

The Triggering Incident

During the dinner party, Pol Maj Siwakorn reportedly rejected Mr. Praween’s request for the promotion of his nephew, a highway policeman. This led to the gunman entering the party and firing multiple shots at Pol Maj Siwakorn, which also hit Pol Lt Col Wasin.

The incident sparked outrage as the other policemen at the party failed to arrest the assailant or Mr. Praween and allowed them to flee the scene. Mr. Praween later turned himself in, and authorities are currently examining his business affairs.

Security Cameras and Evidence

At Mr. Praween’s house, 15 security cameras were installed. Two were non-functional, and 12 recorded files. One camera captured the incident at the party, while another stopped recording before the dinner party started. The CIB chief stated that the existing evidence is sufficient to prosecute Mr. Praween.

CIB Denies Involvement in Deputy National Police Chief Raid

In a separate matter, Pol Lt Gen Jirabhop firmly denied CIB involvement in the recent raid on Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn’s house in Bangkok, stating that he believed the order for the raid came directly from the Royal Thai Police Office, not the CIB.

The sun was setting, casting shadows on the tragic tale that unfolded in Nakhon Pathom. 15 police officers, not unlike the characters from a Charles Bukowski novel, find themselves ensnared in the consequences of their own dereliction of duty. The bitter tang of injustice lingers in the air like the remnants of a storm, as these officers, bound by law to protect the innocent, now face the music for their inaction during that fateful dinner party. A sense of melancholy hangs over the land of a thousand smiles, which once thrived on unity and camaraderie.

As the investigation unfolds, one cannot help but be reminded that, in the words of Bukowski, “we are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us.” Thailand’s resilience, and its people’s unwavering spirit, will see them through these trying times. But, like the myriad flavors of Tom Yum soup, life is complex, and this incident is a stark reminder that even in paradise, darkness can seep through the cracks. However, let us not lose hope, for as the sun rises anew over Maenam Beach, so too shall the people of Thailand emerge from this storm stronger and more determined than ever before.