Beautiful Smile, Beautiful Teeth Project: Promoting Dental Health in Primary Schools

dental health primary schools

Project Overview

Launched on September 4, 2023, the Beautiful Smile, Beautiful Teeth Project aims to address dental health issues among primary school students. The opening ceremony took place at Ban Ang Thong School in Ang Thong Subdistrict, Koh Samui District. Mrs. Jutarat Ruangchai, Deputy Director of Ban Ang Thong School, presided over the event, joined by teachers, students, lecturers, and municipal staff from public health and environment units.

The Importance of Dental Health in Schools

Dental health problems have been a significant public health issue for primary school students. Many schools face dental health challenges, including dental caries, calculus, incorrect tooth brushing techniques, and consumption of tooth decay-causing foods. These issues not only impact the students’ oral health but also affect their overall well-being.

Project Objectives and Implementation

The Beautiful Smile, Beautiful Teeth Project has several key objectives:

  1. Promote good oral and dental health among 25 first-grade students at Ban Ang Thong School.
  2. Educate students on proper tooth brushing techniques, ensuring they can brush their teeth cleanly and effectively.
  3. Encourage regular tooth brushing after meals to address the oral and dental health problems of students.
  4. Increase knowledge and understanding of dental care among both students and teachers.

With these objectives in mind, the project will provide comprehensive dental care education and promote a proactive approach to maintaining good oral and dental health among students.

Support from Health Insurance Fund and Koh Samui Municipality

Recognizing the importance of dental health in schools, the Health Insurance Fund and Koh Samui Municipality have extended their support to the Beautiful Smile, Beautiful Teeth Project. Their backing ensures that the project can achieve its goals, ultimately leading to better oral and dental health outcomes for primary school students.

Through the combined efforts of all parties involved, the Beautiful Smile, Beautiful Teeth Project has the potential to make a lasting positive impact on the dental health of primary school students in Ban Ang Thong School and beyond.