Chinese-Thai Couple Apprehended for Owning B10m Worth of Sex Toys

sex toys business misrepresentation

“A Thai-Chinese couple was arrested for possessing sex toys valued at 10 million baht, which they had registered as massage equipment. The authorities are currently investigating the source of the illegal products and any other people involved in the distribution network. #ThaiNews #SexToysArrest #IllegalProducts #Tourism”

Arrest and Confiscation

A Chinese man and his Thai wife were arrested on Thursday for allegedly possessing sex toys worth approximately 10 million baht. The couple, aged 28 and 24, were apprehended at their home in Lat Krabang district, Bangkok, following a police search. According to Pol Col Patpawit Wongpinit, a superintendent at the Technology Crime Suppression Division, around 18,000 sex toys were discovered in their house, and the couple confessed to owning them.

Business Misrepresentation

The suspects had registered their business under the pretense of selling massage equipment. They used other people’s identities for business registration and product deliveries, as stated by Pol Col Patpawit. The investigation into online sales of sex toys eventually led to the arrest of the couple, whose names have been withheld.

Additional Properties and Business Duration

The couple owns additional properties in Bang Sao Thong district of Samut Prakan and Chorakay Noi, Bangkok. The Lat Krabang residence served as a storage site for the illicit items, the senior officer revealed. During questioning, the couple also admitted to having been in the business for three years.

Investigation Progress

The Technology Crime Suppression Division is currently investigating the case further, tracing the source of the illegal items, and looking into the possibility of additional individuals involved in the distribution network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What was the Thai-Chinese couple arrested for?

A Thai-Chinese couple was apprehended for allegedly possessing around 18,000 sex toys valued at approximately 10 million baht. They had registered their business under the pretense of selling massage equipment and used other people’s identities for business registration and product deliveries.

Question 2: How long have the couple been in the illegal business and where were the items stored?

During questioning, the couple admitted to being involved in the business for three years. They owned additional properties in Samut Prakan and Chorakay Noi, Bangkok. However, their Lat Krabang residence in Bangkok served as the storage site for the illicit items.

Question 3: What is the current progress in the investigation?

The Technology Crime Suppression Division is presently looking into the case, tracing the source of the illegal products, and probing the possibility of additional individuals involved in the distribution network.