Coordinated Attacks and Bombings in Narathiwat

narathiwat bombings

Coordinated attacks and bombings in Narathiwat’s Tak Bai district caused damage to a gold shop and power poles, leading to a 30-minute gun battle. Explosive devices were also discovered, highlighting the ongoing tensions in southern Thailand. #narathiwat #southernthailand #unrest #coordinatedattacks #bombings

Series of Coordinated Attacks in Tak Bai District

In the early hours of a recent Saturday, suspected insurgents launched a series of coordinated attacks in the Tak Bai district of Narathiwat, a southern border province. An improvised explosive device (IED) placed inside a fire extinguisher cylinder was detonated outside a gold shop in Tambon Chehe, causing damage to the front part of the shop.

Acting chief of the Tak Bai police station, Pol Lt Col Jarukit Sridech, was alerted at 1:30 AM. He reported that unidentified gunmen also opened fire at a security checkpoint, about 50 meters from the gold shop. Seven officers stationed there fired back at the attackers, leading to a gun battle that lasted more than 30 minutes. The gunmen fled into a nearby forest after reinforcements arrived.

Additional Bombings and Explosive Devices

Officers later received a report of a roadside bombing that destroyed a power pole about 200 meters from the checkpoint. They also discovered an explosive device placed beneath a power pole on the opposite side of the road.

Villagers alerted the police on Saturday morning when they found two more IEDs along a local road in Tambon Chehe. Authorities cordoned off the area, and many power poles subsequently fell on roads, blocking traffic lanes in Narathiwat.

Police were alerted to another roadside bombing in Tak Bai’s Tambon Khosit, which caused 10 power poles to collapse, temporarily blocking traffic.

Incidents in Sungai Kolok District

In Tambon Muno of the Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat, Pol Col Direk Chomyong, the acting chief of the Muno police station, reported two incidents on Saturday morning. A homemade bomb was detonated and damaged a power pole in a village, and a bombing device hidden in a fire extinguisher was found beneath another power pole.

The situation is still under investigation, with authorities trying to identify the attackers and their motives.

Tak Bai Massacre Anniversary Connection

These incidents occurred on the eve of the 19th anniversary of the Tak Bai massacre on October 25, 2004. In this tragic event, 85 protesters suffocated after being arrested and piled on top of each other in two military trucks while being transported to a military camp in Pattani province. The connection between these attacks and the anniversary of the massacre remains uncertain, but it highlights the ongoing tensions in the region.

Ongoing Unrest in Southern Thailand

The coordinated attacks and bombings in Narathiwat are a stark reminder of the ongoing unrest and insurgency in southern Thailand. As investigations continue, authorities will be working to ensure the safety of both the local population and visitors to the area.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened during the coordinated attacks in Narathiwat’s Tak Bai district?

A series of coordinated attacks by suspected insurgents took place in the Tak Bai district of Narathiwat. An improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated outside a gold shop, causing damage. Additionally, unidentified gunmen opened fire at a security checkpoint, leading to a 30-minute gun battle. Further bombings and explosive devices were discovered in the area, causing damage to power poles and traffic disruptions.

Are the attacks connected to the Tak Bai massacre anniversary?

The incidents occurred on the eve of the 19th anniversary of the Tak Bai massacre on October 25, 2004, during which 85 protesters suffocated after being piled on top of each other in military trucks. While the connection between these attacks and the anniversary of the massacre remains uncertain, it does draw attention to the ongoing tensions in the region.

How are the authorities responding to the ongoing unrest in southern Thailand?

Authorities are currently investigating the coordinated attacks and bombings in Narathiwat to identify the attackers and their motives. They will also be working to ensure the safety of both the local population and visitors to the area.