Koh Samui Municipality Recognized for Traffy Fondue Platform Usage

traffy fondue platform public services

Award Announcement: Outstanding Agency for Public Services

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation in Bangkok held a press conference to acknowledge the accomplishments of various organizations. Among those recognized was the Koh Samui Municipality, which received the prestigious “Outstanding Agency Award for using Traffy Fondue platform for public services.”

Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui Municipality, Mr. Suthum Samthong, and Head of the Administration Department, Ms. Nuntanapas Kongtawee, were present to accept the award on behalf of their municipality.

Utilizing the Traffy Fondue Platform for Urban Problem Management

The Traffy Fondue platform is a powerful urban problem notification and management system that has been gaining traction under the guidance of the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC). The OPDC’s goal is to ensure that all agencies and organizations across various sectors adopt and utilize the platform to improve the quality and efficiency of their services.

As a result, the Traffy Fondue platform has become an essential tool in the development of state services, enabling them to meet user expectations and adapt to the changing needs of the public.

Expanding the Reach of the Traffy Fondue Platform

The OPDC is committed to expanding the use of the Traffy Fondue platform, promoting the implementation of appropriate practices and management strategies that align with the current state sector’s demands. By continuing to push for the adoption of the platform, the OPDC aims to foster a more efficient, high-quality, and user-friendly service landscape for the public.

In conclusion, the recognition of Koh Samui Municipality with the “Outstanding Agency Award for using Traffy Fondue platform for public services” highlights the potential of the platform in transforming public services and making them more effective and accessible. With continued support and expansion, the Traffy Fondue platform is poised to bring a new level of convenience and responsiveness to the people it serves.