Music Therapy Project for the Elderly: Rhythm and Wellness

music therapy elderly health

“Promoting physical exercise and mental well-being among elderly citizens, the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly has been launched in Na Mueang Subdistrict, Koh Samui District. Funded by the Koh Samui City Health Insurance Fund, the project uses rhythm and music to improve overall quality of life, with 30 participants engaging in singing, dancing and more. #MusicTherapyProject #ElderlyWellness #KohSamui #Thailand”


The Music Therapy Project for the Elderly was launched on October 2, 2020, in Na Mueang Subdistrict, Koh Samui District. The project, accompanied by rhythm, aims to promote physical exercise and mental well-being among elderly citizens through music. It is funded by the Koh Samui City Health Insurance Fund and is supported by various local government bodies.

Opening Ceremony

Mrs. Chalat Pataprom, a qualified member of the fund committee, presided over the opening ceremony held at the Na Mueang Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital. The event was attended by members of the Municipal Council, Fund Committee, Municipal staff, officials from the hospital, and elderly groups in the Na Mueang Subdistrict.

Project Details

The Music Therapy Project for the Elderly is designed to accommodate 30 participants. These elderly individuals engage in physical exercise and mental training, using rhythm and music as a medium. The project aims to improve the overall quality of life for these participants while fostering a sense of community.

Activities and Instruments

Participants in the project partake in various activities, including singing and dancing in sync with the rhythm. These activities serve as a means of developing both the body and mind through the use of different elements.

A variety of musical instruments are used for enjoyment and entertainment purposes. These instruments include wooden clappers, bongo drums, single-headed drums (Rummana), cymbals, tambourines, and other simple rhythm instruments. By practicing rhythms on these instruments, participants gain a better understanding of the correct rhythm and music.

Goals and Benefits

The primary goal of the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly is to enable participants to sing and dance along with the rhythm of the music. By doing so, they gain understanding, knowledge, and practice in physical exercise using music rhythms. This approach creates motivation, fun, and pleasure, all while promoting a positive mood and improved physical and mental health.

By participating in this project, the elderly residents of Na Mueang Subdistrict can enjoy a better quality of life. They can live happily, interact with people of all genders and ages in society, and maintain a sense of community.

Future Prospects

The successful launch of the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly in Na Mueang Subdistrict serves as an example for other communities aiming to improve the well-being of their elderly population. By incorporating music and rhythm into physical exercise and mental training, communities can foster a sense of belonging and happiness among their elderly members, ultimately improving their overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly and its goals?

The Music Therapy Project for the Elderly is a program launched in Na Mueang Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, aimed at promoting physical exercise and mental well-being among elderly citizens using rhythm and music. Funded by the Koh Samui City Health Insurance Fund, it accommodates 30 participants who engage in singing, dancing, and other activities to improve their overall quality of life and maintain a sense of community. The primary goal is to enable participants to sing and dance along with the rhythm of the music, promoting a positive mood and improved physical and mental health.

2. What are some of the activities and instruments used in the project?

Participants in the project partake in various activities, including singing and dancing in sync with the rhythm. A variety of musical instruments are used for enjoyment and entertainment purposes, such as wooden clappers, bongo drums, single-headed drums (Rummana), cymbals, tambourines, and other simple rhythm instruments. By practicing rhythms on these instruments, participants gain a better understanding of the correct rhythm and music.

3. How does the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly benefit its participants and the community?

By participating in this project, the elderly residents of Na Mueang Subdistrict can enjoy a better quality of life. They can live happily, interact with people of all genders and ages in society, and maintain a sense of community. The successful launch of the Music Therapy Project for the Elderly serves as an example for other communities aiming to improve the well-being of their elderly population by incorporating music and rhythm into physical exercise and mental training.