Overview of the Inaugural Health Insurance Fund Committee Meeting

health insurance fund fiscal reports

🌟 Exciting start to the year with the Inaugural Health Insurance Fund Committee Meeting in Koh Samui! 🏥✨ Diverse participants discussed important topics like fiscal reports, project evaluations, and drafting regulations for a healthier future for all residents. 🌴💪🏼 #HealthInsuranceFund #KohSamui #CommitteeMeeting #BetterHealthForAll

January 22, 2024, signaled the commencement of an essential gathering at the Koh Samui Municipal Administration Office. The Muk Samui Meeting Room hosted the first session of the Health Insurance Fund Committee’s meetings for the year, beginning at 09:30.

Leadership and Attendees

Under the leadership of Miss Suphinya Sritongkul, the Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui, a diverse array of participants convened. This included not just the heads of various government agencies, but also representatives from the Koh Samui Hospital. Committee and sub-committee members dedicated to the Fund’s initiatives, alongside municipal employees and members from the Public Health and Environment Division, were all present, signifying the importance of the meeting.

Fiscal Reports and Budget Planning

One of the pivotal moments of the session involved retrospective approval of the prior year’s meetings, particularly the 11th meeting held on December 20, 2023. The discussion also centered on the financial framework for the upcoming year. Notably, the Health Insurance Fund of the Koh Samui Municipal Administration is set to manage a substantial amount of 6,345,178.60 baht for the fiscal year 2024.

Project Evaluations and Proposals

The committee meticulously reviewed a series of projects from the previous fiscal year, which encompassed an impressive range of 218 initiatives, reflecting a total allocated budget of 5,973,560 baht. The projects were diverse and aimed at various aspects of health and wellness within the community.

Strategic Project Review and Implementation

Critical to the meeting’s agenda was the scrutiny over ongoing and proposed projects. Eight type 2 projects were put under the microscope. Each initiative, from the School Lice Eradication to the Health Enhancement through Sports, was designed with the community’s improved health in mind. These projects were not only tailored for current needs but poised to shape the future of health within the municipality.

In contrast, a single type 3 project, “Joyful Little Children Exercise (with Hula Hoops),” highlighted the commitment to engaging youth in physical activities in a fun and effective manner. Additionally, three type 1 projects, including the “Healthy Baby Starts with Breast Milk,” showcased a proactive approach to wellness from the earliest stages of life.

Regulation Drafting for Future Success

A significant portion of the meeting was allocated to reviewing the draft regulations for the Health Insurance Fund for the fiscal year B.E. 2024. The goal was to fine-tune the framework governing the management of the fund’s income and expenditure, ensuring that the projects not only met the immediate health needs of the community but also aligned with broader strategic objectives.

With an eye on efficiency and transparency, the committee focused on establishing standard prices for materials needed in project implementations. This measure was integral to maintaining financial integrity and ensuring the success of various projects.

Moving Forward

As the meeting progressed, it became clear that each decision made was a step towards achieving a healthier Koh Samui. The collective expertise in the room underscored the administration’s commitment to upholding the welfare of its citizens through thoughtful planning and careful execution of health initiatives. The session was not just about reviewing numbers and regulations; it was about laying down the tracks for a healthier future for all residents of Koh Samui.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the primary purpose of the Inaugural Health Insurance Fund Committee Meeting in Koh Samui?

The inaugural Health Insurance Fund Committee Meeting held in Koh Samui on January 22, 2024, was a pivotal gathering aimed at discussing key topics crucial to the health and well-being of the island’s residents. Participants, including government agency heads, representatives from Koh Samui Hospital, committee members, municipal employees, and members of the Public Health and Environment Division, convened to deliberate on matters such as fiscal reports, project evaluations, and the drafting of regulations. The primary purpose was to chart a course for a healthier future through strategic planning and meticulous management of the Health Insurance Fund’s budget and initiatives.

How was the budget for the Health Insurance Fund of Koh Samui Municipal Administration allocated for the fiscal year 2024?

In a significant moment during the meeting, the committee retrospectively approved the previous year’s activities and shifted their focus onto the financial framework for the upcoming fiscal year. The Health Insurance Fund of the Koh Samui Municipal Administration was reported to manage a substantial budget, amounting to 6,345,178.60 baht for the year 2024. This budget was earmarked for funding a broad spectrum of health-related projects and initiatives designed to enhance the overall wellness of the community.

What kinds of projects were reviewed by the Health Insurance Fund Committee, and what approaches are being taken to ensure their success?

The Health Insurance Fund Committee meticulously reviewed a suite of 218 diverse projects from the previous fiscal year, reflecting a total allocated budget of 5,973,560 baht. These initiatives covered a wide range of health and wellness aspects within the community. Eight type 2 projects, such as School Lice Eradication and Health Enhancement through Sports, were scrutinized for their contributions to the community’s improved health and their potential to shape the municipality’s future well-being. Moreover, efforts like the “Joyful Little Children Exercise (with Hula Hoops)” and “Healthy Baby Starts with Breast Milk” illustrate the committee’s commitment to engaging youth in physical activity and promoting wellness from the earliest stages of life. To ensure the success of these projects, the committee dedicated a significant portion of the meeting to fine-tuning the regulatory framework governing the fund’s income and expenditure, emphasizing efficiency, transparency, and the establishment of standard prices for project materials.