Promotion and Support Project for the Use of Herbs and Local Wisdom for Health Care

herbs health care

Project Launch Ceremony

On September 7, 2023, the Municipality of Koh Samui launched a significant health care initiative at Municipal School 2 (Wat Sakha). Mr. Somchai Phromthong, the Director of Municipal School 2 (Wat Sakha), presided over the ceremony. The event brought together various stakeholders, including members of the Municipal Council, the Health Fund Committee, teachers, students, municipal employees, and representatives from the Public Health and Environment Department.

Project Objectives and Scope

The main objective of this project is to promote and support the use of herbs and traditional local wisdom in health care practices. The project focuses on several key areas:

  1. Health-promoting services: Educating the community about the benefits of herbal remedies and their role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Disease prevention: Raising awareness of how herbal remedies can be used as a preventive measure against common ailments.
  3. Physical rehabilitation: Exploring the potential of herbal treatments to aid in the restoration of physical fitness and overall well-being.
  4. Primary medical care: Encouraging the use of herbal remedies as a complementary approach to conventional medical treatments.

Involvement of Municipal School 2 (Wat Sakha)

Municipal School 2 (Wat Sakha) plays a pivotal role in this project by encouraging its students to actively participate in the implementation of the initiative. Students learn how to transform locally available herbs into medicines for use within their households. The project aims to have 80% of the households of students from Municipal School 2 (Wat Sakha) use herbal plants for medicinal purposes.

Furthermore, students are taught how to grow and conserve herbal plants, thereby promoting sustainable health care practices while preserving local biodiversity.

The Role of the Health Fund of Koh Samui Municipality

The Health Fund of Koh Samui Municipality is a key player in the promotion and support of this project. Recognizing the importance of integrating herbs and traditional local wisdom into health care practices, the Health Fund provides essential resources and assistance for the project’s implementation. This collaboration ensures that the project’s objectives are met, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for the community.

Public Health and Environment Department Collaboration

The Public Health and Environment Department plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of this project. They work closely with other stakeholders to monitor the progress and impact of the initiative. Additionally, they provide valuable guidance and support on best practices for the cultivation and conservation of herbal plants, ensuring the long-term sustainability of this health care approach.

Overall, the Promotion and Support Project for the Use of Herbs and Local Wisdom for Health Care is a promising initiative that seeks to enhance the well-being of the community while preserving local traditions and knowledge. By combining the expertise of various stakeholders, this project aims to make a lasting impact on the health care practices of the Koh Samui Municipality.