Proposed Specialist Court for Combating Drug Cartels

specialist court narcotics cases

The Supreme Court has suggested a new appeal court for narcotics cases to speed up the freezing of drug-related assets. This court would be specialised and require government support to be implemented. #SupremeCourt #NarcoticsCourt #DrugRelatedCases #AssetFreezing #SpecialisedCourt #GovernmentSupport

Introduction of an Appeal Court for Narcotics Cases

The Supreme Court has proposed the establishment of a dedicated appeal court for narcotics cases, aiming to expedite the legal process of freezing assets belonging to drug networks. This initiative follows Deputy Prime Minister Somsak Thepsutin’s recent visit to the Supreme Court, where he congratulated Anocha Chevitsophon on her new appointment as Supreme Court president.

During their meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister sought advice from Ms. Anocha on strategies to address drug-related cases, which currently account for over 85% of incarcerations in the country. The government’s primary objective is to reduce the number of incarcerations by promptly seizing drug networks’ assets upon the arrest of suspects.

Categorizing Cases for Faster Asset Freezing

Distinguishing cases by category would enable authorities to accelerate the asset freezing process for drug networks. According to Mr. Somsak, the new illicit drug law emphasizes asset freezing as a proven method to dismantle drug networks. During his tenure as justice minister, authorities froze over 30 billion baht worth of assets, a sharp increase from the 900 million baht in seizures before his appointment.

Specialist Illicit Drug Section and Expertise

To effectively handle drug-related cases, Ms. Anocha suggested the court should establish a specialist illicit drug section comprising judges with relevant expertise. This would allow judges to consult one another when necessary. Ms. Anocha also supported Mr. Somsak’s idea of creating an appeal court specifically for illicit drug cases. However, she noted that such an initiative would require government backing.

Recent Drug Bust Demonstrates Success of Coordination

Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul highlighted the importance of collaboration between locals and authorities during a press briefing at Rong Kwang Police Station in Phrae. The briefing followed a recent seizure of 7.6 million methamphetamine pills worth over 300 million baht.

Local villagers had noticed a suspicious lorry parked near Ban Don Chum in tambon Mae Yang Rong, Rong Kwang district and alerted the police. Upon investigation, the police discovered that the lorry had a fake license plate and was carrying 38 sacks, each containing approximately 200,000 meth pills. It is believed that the drugs were being transported from the North to the central region and that the driver had abandoned the lorry and fled.

Minister Anutin emphasized that the successful seizure was due to the strong cooperation between locals and authorities, reflecting their determination to combat illicit drugs and influential figures.

Government Support Crucial for Implementing Changes

The establishment of a dedicated appeal court for narcotics cases and a specialist illicit drug section could significantly improve the country’s ability to address drug-related cases and dismantle drug networks. However, the realization of these proposals depends on the willingness of the government to provide the necessary support and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the purpose of the proposed appeal court for narcotics cases?

The purpose of the proposed appeal court for narcotics cases is to expedite the legal process of freezing assets belonging to drug networks. This initiative aims to reduce the number of incarcerations by promptly seizing drug networks’ assets upon the arrest of suspects.

Q2: How would categorizing cases help accelerate the asset freezing process?

By distinguishing cases by category, it would enable authorities to focus their efforts and resources on drug network cases more effectively. This, in turn, would help accelerate the asset freezing process, a proven method to dismantle drug networks.

Q3: What is the role of government support in implementing the proposed changes?

Government support is crucial for implementing the proposed changes, such as the establishment of a dedicated appeal court for narcotics cases and a specialist illicit drug section. The realization of these proposals depends on the willingness of the government to provide the necessary support and resources.