Rabies Prevention and Control Project in Koh Samui City Municipality

rabies prevention public health

Opening Ceremony

On July 6, 2023, the Koh Samui City Municipality held the opening ceremony for a new initiative aimed at preventing and controlling rabies in the region. The event took place in the Mook Samui meeting room and was presided over by Miss Supinya Sritongkul, the Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui City Municipality.

Project Objectives

This Rabies Prevention and Control Project has been launched to address the growing concern of rabies among the pet population in the Koh Samui City Municipality area. With a focus on improving public safety and ensuring a better quality of life for residents, the project sets out several objectives:

  1. Train public health volunteers in administering rabies vaccinations
  2. Prevent the spread of rabies among dogs, cats, and other pets within the municipality
  3. Promote and encourage the vaccination of pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, and more
  4. Ensure at least 80% of owned animals and those residing in public spaces receive the rabies vaccination

Training Public Health Volunteers

To achieve the project’s objectives, the first step involves restoring knowledge to public health volunteers. These volunteers will be trained in providing vaccination services against rabies, allowing them to effectively administer the vaccine to animals in need. The training aims to equip volunteers with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely and effectively vaccinate pets against the deadly disease.

Preventing the Spread of Rabies

One of the primary concerns of the project is to prevent the spread of rabies among the pet population in the Koh Samui City Municipality area. By reaching out to local communities and raising awareness of the importance of rabies vaccinations, the project aims to reduce the risk of rabies transmission between animals as well as to humans.

Promoting Vaccination of Pets

The project recognizes the importance of vaccinating pets against rabies for public safety. As such, it includes a promotional campaign encouraging pet owners to vaccinate their animals. This includes not only dogs and cats but also other pets like rabbits and monkeys, which may also be at risk of contracting the disease.

Vaccination Coverage Goals

The Rabies Prevention and Control Project sets an ambitious goal of ensuring that at least 80% of owned animals and those living in public places are vaccinated against rabies. By achieving this target, the project hopes to create a safer environment for residents and their pets, minimizing the risk of rabies transmission and working towards a better overall quality of life in the Koh Samui district.

In summary, the Rabies Prevention and Control Project in Koh Samui City Municipality is a comprehensive effort to tackle the issue of rabies in the region. Through training public health volunteers, promoting vaccination, and aiming for high vaccination coverage, the project seeks to protect residents from the dangers of rabies and contribute to a safer and healthier community.