wildlife conservation human-wildlife conflicts

Wild Elephants Electrocution Incident

“Two wild elephants were tragically electrocuted by an electrified fence in Surat Thani, Thailand meant to protect a durian plantation. This highlights the need for more awareness and conservation efforts to prevent harm to wildlife. wildlifeconservation savetheelephants thailand conservationefforts cropprotection elephants”

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macaque management enclosure design

Prototype Enclosure for Macaque Management

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation (DNP) has joined hands with the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) in Tha Yang district of Phetchaburi to implement a prototype enclosure system. This effort aims to manage the macaque population in the region, especially those causing disturbances to local residents and tourists in the Khao Wang mountain area.

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monkeys sterilization

Managing Monkey Populations in Lop Buri

In Lop Buri, a province in the Central Plains of Thailand, authorities have launched a sterilization campaign to control the evergrowing monkey population. With numbers estimated to be above 2,000, the campaign targets the reduction of the monkey population and alleviating the negative impact of these animals on locals and tourists.

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