Thaksin Shinawatra: Medical Ward Residence in Bangkok Remand Prison

thaksin shinawatra bangkok remand prison

Health Conditions and Monitoring

Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister of Thailand, has been assigned a private room on the medical ward of Bangkok Remand Prison due to his underlying health conditions. At 74 years old, Thaksin has four known health issues, including heart and lung problems. The Department of Corrections has stated that Thaksin’s health will be closely monitored to provide proper medical care and ensure his safety.

Underlying Medical Issues

Experts from the Department of Corrections Hospital have diagnosed Thaksin with heart disease, a lung ailment, high blood pressure, and spondylosis, which involves the degeneration of bones and discs in the spine. Due to these conditions, Thaksin is considered part of a vulnerable group and requires constant surveillance.

Living Conditions and Visitation

During Thaksin’s stay at the prison, he will be provided with appropriate living conditions, food, drinking water, and visitor accommodations. As the former premier is expected to receive visits from family members, close associates, and various organizations, the prison will ensure an adequate space for these meetings. Thaksin will be required to keep his hair short and wear a white shirt, as is the case for all inmates. His room will be equipped with electric fans but no air conditioning, and there will be an adjoining room for doctors.

Royal Pardon Application Process

Thaksin is eligible to apply for a royal pardon from his first day in jail. The petition can be prepared by him or his relatives and will be considered by a Department of Corrections committee. Once reviewed, it will be sent to the Justice Ministry, the prime minister, and ultimately, His Majesty the King. The whole process may take one to two months, depending on the documents provided and royal discretion. If a pardon is not granted, an applicant must wait two years before seeking one again.

Other High-Profile Inmates

Bangkok Remand Prison also houses other high-profile prisoners, such as Boonsong Teriyapirom, a former commerce minister sentenced to 48 years for corruption in a government rice-pledging scheme. Due to royal pardons and term reductions, Boonsong is scheduled for release on April 21, 2028. Tarit Pengdit, the former director-general of the Department of Special Investigation, is another notable inmate, serving a two-year sentence for unfairly pursuing murder charges against a former prime minister and his deputy during the violent rallies in Bangkok in 2010.