The Tragic Murder on Koh Phangan Island

murder blackmail

The Suspect’s Background

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, a 29-year-old Spanish chef, has been taken into custody for the murder and dismemberment of Colombian plastic surgeon, Edwin Arrieta Arteaga. Daniel’s father and grandfather are well-known actors in Spain, which partly explains his motivation for committing this gruesome act. He feared that his family’s reputation would be tarnished if his relationship with Arrieta became public knowledge.

The Relationship and Threat of Blackmail

According to Daniel, the two men first met on Instagram and began their relationship through online chats and phone calls. The Colombian doctor trusted him enough to give Daniel €10,000 to open a restaurant, along with a credit card. Although Daniel had a girlfriend and wanted to end the relationship with Arrieta, the latter threatened to expose their private photos on social media, potentially causing a scandal for Daniel’s family.

The Murder Plan and Its Execution

In response to the blackmail threat, Daniel planned Arrieta’s murder. He invited him to Koh Phangan for the Full Moon party and booked hotel rooms where the crime would take place. Upon Arrieta’s arrival, Daniel claims that the doctor demanded sex, leading to a physical altercation. Daniel knocked Arrieta unconscious, later dismembering his body when the doctor failed to regain consciousness.

Disposing of the Body

Daniel used a kayak to dispose of Arrieta’s body parts in both the sea and a nearby garbage dump on the island. Police found $80,000 and a gold necklace belonging to the victim in the hotel room where the murder occurred. Following the confession, Daniel was taken to Koh Samui to face legal proceedings.

Family Members Arriving in Thailand

Daniel’s father, actor Rodolfo Sancho, and relatives of the victim are expected to arrive in Koh Samui this week. Meanwhile, divers and rescue workers continue their search for the remaining body parts of Edwin Arrieta Arteaga in the waters off Koh Phangan Island.