Beautiful Smile Project: A Bright Smile for a Healthy Future

oral hygiene preschoolers

Fostering Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Preschoolers

On the morning of August 31, 2023, Thanyawutthiwet School in Bo Phut Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, held the opening ceremony for the “Beautiful Smile: A Bright Smile” project. The event brought together school teachers and students, Koh Samui Hospital staff, municipal employees, and members of the Public Health and Environment Division.

The Importance of Dental Health in Early Childhood

Dental health problems in preschool-aged children have long been a significant public health issue, with every school facing challenges in this regard. The common oral health problems include tooth decay, tartar buildup, incorrect tooth brushing techniques, and consumption of food that causes tooth decay. These issues, if not addressed, can have a detrimental impact on a child’s overall physical health.

Objectives of the Beautiful Smile Project

The primary objective of the “Beautiful Smile: A Bright Smile” project is to promote good oral and dental health for preschool-aged children. The project aims to educate children in proper tooth brushing techniques and encourage them to brush their teeth after each meal. By instilling good oral hygiene habits early on, the project seeks to minimize the prevalence of dental health issues in the community.

Support from National Health Security Fund and Koh Samui Municipality

Recognizing the importance of the project’s goals, the National Health Security Fund and Koh Samui Municipality have pledged their support to ensure its successful implementation. Through this joint effort, the Beautiful Smile Project aims to make a lasting impact on the dental health of children, setting the foundation for a bright and healthy future.