National Health Security Fund Committee Meeting of Koh Samui Municipality

national health security fund budget allocation


On August 31, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., the National Health Security Fund Committee of Koh Samui Municipality held its 9th meeting of the year at the Mook Samui Meeting Room, Koh Samui Municipality Office. The meeting, presided over by Ms. Suphinya Sri Thongkul, Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui, saw the participation of various stakeholders, including municipal council members, heads of government departments, municipal employees, Fund Committee members, public health volunteers from villages (PHVs), representatives from Koh Samui Hospital, and community representatives.

Discussion of the Remaining Budget and Guidelines

During the meeting, the committee informed attendees about the remaining budget framework and budget according to the guidelines set by the National Health Security Fund Committee of Koh Samui Municipality. The focus was on adhering to the objectives of the Fund and the criteria approved by the National Health Security Fund Committee.

Project Extension and Draft Order Examination

The meeting also considered the approval of project extension time, allowing for a more thorough examination of the draft order for LTC subcommittees. This was an essential step to ensure proper implementation and assessment of the National Health Security Fund’s annual budget for 2023.

Consultation with Related Parties

Towards the end of the meeting, the preparation of the summary of the operation results, expenditure report, and remaining funds of the Fund was discussed. To achieve this, a consultation meeting with the Fund, the Fund Committee, subcommittees, and related parties was deemed necessary. This collaborative approach aimed to improve transparency and efficiency in the management and utilization of the National Health Security Fund.


The 9th meeting of the National Health Security Fund Committee of Koh Samui Municipality focused on budget allocation, project extensions, and fostering collaboration among various stakeholders. By adhering to the guidelines and objectives of the Fund, the committee aims to ensure the proper management of resources and achieve better health outcomes for the community.