Govt Eyes UNESCO Spot for Late King

unesco king bhumibol adulyadej the great

100th Anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great’s Birth

In an effort to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great’s birth in 2027, the Thai government recently approved an Education Ministry proposal to submit his name to UNESCO for listing among the world’s eminent personalities.

Education Minister Trinuch Thienthong stated that the ministry set up a committee to gather information about His Majesty’s works, royal projects, and royally initiated projects. These projects are related to four major topics: education, sciences, culture, and communications. The committee also presented all the international awards the late king received for the proposal to submit to UNESCO.

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Talents

King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great’s sufficiency economy philosophy has gained global recognition, offering guidelines to strengthen resilience in the face of challenges. In addition to his contributions to philosophy, the late king possessed talents in painting, sculpture, innovation, technology, sports, music, language, and literature.

Submission and Decision Timeline

The Education Ministry plans to submit the proposal next year, with the aim of having it considered at UNESCO’s Executive Board Session and General Conference in 2025. It is expected that a decision will be announced in 2027, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the late king’s birth.

UNESCO Recognition Impact

If approved, the listing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great among UNESCO’s eminent personalities would not only honor his memory but also highlight his numerous contributions to Thai society and the world at large. This recognition could inspire further appreciation of his work, both within Thailand and internationally.