Intensive Manhunt Underway for Escaped Convict ‘Sia Paeng Nanod’

prison escape shootout

Introducing: ‘Sia Paeng Nanod,’ the escaped convict causing chaos in Thailand! 😱 Serving time for attempted murder, he vanished from a hospital visit, sparking a massive manhunt. Reports of a clash with police in Trang province fueled the search, but Chaowalit remains at large. With police helicopters, a command center, and encounters with allies, this manhunt is heating up! 🚁 Can they catch him before it’s too late? Stay tuned for updates! 🔎 #PrisonEscape #ThaiPolice #Manhunt

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Background of the Escape

The tranquil morning routine was shattered when Chaowalit Thongduang, a prisoner with a notorious reputation and referred to as ‘Sia Paeng Nanod,’ managed a daring escape from custody. On October 22, Chaowalit, who was serving time for attempted murder among other criminal charges, was due for a dental treatment at Maharat Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital. In a twist of fate, he complained of severe leg pains and was admitted. Despite the hospital’s precautions, including restraints and leg chains, he vanished into the night, sparking a massive manhunt.

The Manhunt Escalates

In the aftermath of the escape, a clash with police forces occurred in the rugged terrain of the Trang province. The skirmish seemed to confirm Chaowalit’s desperate bid for freedom. Initial reports mistakenly broadcasted Chaowalit’s demise in the exchange of gunfire. However, these were quickly corrected by senior police officials, who affirmed that the convict remained at large.

The Search Intensifies

The relentless pursuit for Chaowalit led the authorities to the dense forests of the Banthad mountain range. Police forces, equipped with the knowledge that Chaowalit could be heavily armed, spread out across four provinces. The operation included Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Satun, and Trang, with the police leaving no stone unturned in their quest to apprehend the fugitive.

Air Support Deployed

The quest for Chaowalit saw three police helicopters slicing through the sky, a clear indication of the seriousness of the operation. The aerial units scoured the forest canopy in search of the elusive convict but to no avail. The only evidence found was an abandoned M4 carbine, which is suspected to have belonged to Chaowalit.

Headquarters and Strategy

The manhunt’s nerve center was established at the Don Tae forest protection unit in Palian district, Trang. Here, Pol Gen Thana Chuwong, the acting deputy national police chief, convened with other officials to strategize on the next steps of the operation. The emphasis was on a swift capture, urging Chaowalit to surrender before a potential violent confrontation.

Encounters and Evidence

The police’s close encounter with Chaowalit at his temporary shelter was thwarted, ironically, by a dog’s bark, which alerted him to the approaching authorities. This incident underscored the possibility that Chaowalit might still have allies, aiding his evasion from capture. Pol Maj Gen Piyawat Chalermsri, deputy commissioner of the Provincial Police Region 9, recounted the fierce firefight that ensued when Chaowalit spotted the police, leading to his subsequent flight.

A Call for Surrender

The national police chief, Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol, took a public stance, addressing Chaowalit’s family and close associates, urging them to convince him to surrender. This plea highlighted the intention to avoid further violence and potential loss of life. The police chief warned that if Chaowalit were to engage in gunfire, the officers would follow legal procedures, bearing in mind the convict’s armament, which included war weapons and an abundance of ammunition.


  • prison escape
  • shootout
  • thai police

With the manhunt ongoing, the situation remains tense as the authorities continue their search through rugged terrains and dense forests. The incident has put the spotlight on the efficiency of prison security measures and the challenges faced by law enforcement in such vast natural landscapes. The pursuit for Chaowalit is not just a chase but a test of endurance and strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is ‘Sia Paeng Nanod’ and what led to the intensive manhunt currently underway?

Background of ‘Sia Paeng Nanod’ and His Escape

‘Sia Paeng Nanod,’ also known as Chaowalit Thongduang, is an escaped convict with a history of criminal charges, including attempted murder. The manhunt began in earnest after he escaped from Maharat Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital, where he was scheduled for dental treatment. Despite security measures, he managed to slip away, prompting authorities to launch a full-scale search.

What strategies and resources are the Thai police utilizing in the manhunt for Chaowalit?

The Manhunt’s Escalation and Strategies

To recapture Chaowalit, the Thai police have deployed extensive resources, including police helicopters scanning from the air and a central command center at the Don Tae forest protection unit in Palian district, Trang. The strategy focuses on a swift capture with a plea for surrender to minimize the risk of violent confrontations, indicating the high stakes and the effort level invested in the operation.

How has Chaowalit managed to evade capture, and what challenges are the authorities facing?

Encounters, Evasion, and Challenges in The Search

Despite close encounters, including a significant clash where police found an abandoned M4 carbine suspected to be his, Chaowalit has evaded capture, potentially with the aid of allies. Challenges include the dense foliage of the Banthad mountain range and the vast natural landscapes across four provinces, which complicate the search. These elements underscore the complexity of the manhunt and the need for strategic planning and persistence.