Koh Samui Bridge Project: Public Hearing for the Initial Project Orientation

transportation infrastructure

The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) conducted a public hearing on August 10, 2013, to discuss the feasibility study of the Koh Samui Bridge Project.

Project Background and Objectives

The feasibility study aims to evaluate engineering, economics, finance, and environmental impact aspects of the proposed bridge. The project seeks to improve transportation options to Koh Samui, which currently relies on air and water travel. By providing a bridge, the goal is to facilitate transportation, support the local tourism industry, and enhance emergency response capabilities.

Stakeholder Participation

The meeting, chaired by Police General Sompong Singduang, EXAT board member, was attended by Chayaphon Intrasupa (Koh Samui District Chief), Sutham Samathong (Deputy Mayor acting as the Mayor of Koh Samui), executives, municipal council members, government officials, media, and local residents. Attendees were given the opportunity to learn about the project’s background, its importance, initial concept, route options, preliminary design, process, and work plan.

Key Challenges and Considerations

Koh Samui’s transportation options are currently limited to air and water travel, which have constraints in terms of capacity and trip frequency. Additionally, during monsoon seasons, boat travel becomes impossible. A bridge connecting the island would alleviate these issues and improve overall connectivity.

Timeline and Progress

The feasibility study, conducted by a group of consulting firms, is expected to take 720 days (24 months) to complete. Following its completion, EXAT will submit the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report to the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) for review and approval. The construction of the bridge is anticipated to begin in 2028, with its inauguration planned for the end of 2032.

Route Options

The project has identified seven possible routes connecting starting points on the mainland, in Don Sak Subdistrict, Surat Thani Province, and Thong Nien Subdistrict, Khanom District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, to the endpoint in Taling Ngam Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, Surat Thani Province.

Public Involvement

The public hearing in Koh Samui saw significant participation from local residents who shared their opinions on the project. Future meetings will continue to involve public opinion and ensure transparent information dissemination to the community. The project aims to engage all target groups and stakeholders throughout its development process.

Additional Resources

For more information about the Koh Samui Bridge Project, visit the following websites and social media pages:

  • Website: www.samuibridge.com
  • Facebook: Koh Samui Bridge Project
  • Line Group: Samui bridge