Koh Samui City Municipal Council Convenes for Its Second Regular Meeting

meeting budget

Exciting news from Koh Samui City Municipality! President Thanakom Ruenpanich and the council members met to discuss budget amendments and funding reallocation for educational projects, promising positive changes for the community. Check out the photos and recorded session to see all the action! 🏛💼🌴 #KohSamuiCityCouncil #CommunityDevelopment #PositiveChanges

Koh Samui City Municipality recently held a pivotal meeting that set the course for the upcoming fiscal year. Local leadership and council members convened to discuss and decide on important budgetary allocations and amendments.

Meeting Overview

The Petcharat Samui Meeting Room witnessed the gathering of Koh Samui’s city hall officials on Thursday, July 25, 2024. The meeting was scheduled for 13:30 hrs and was led by Mr. Thanakom Ruenpanich, the President of the Municipal Council. A significant aspect of this meeting was the full attendance of all 21 council members, ensuring that each decision would be fairly discussed and voted on.

Key Agenda Items Discussed

The council delved into several critical motions, each designed to impact the community’s welfare positively. Here’s a glimpse of what was on the table:

Draft Supplementary Budget Ordinance Examination

A comprehensive report was presented regarding the examination of the draft supplementary budget ordinance No. 1 for the fiscal year 2024. This critical document had been meticulously reviewed by the budget ordinance amendment committee prior to the meeting.

  • Ordinance Amendment Stage

Members agreed upon making necessary amendments to the draft supplementary budget ordinance No. 1. Errors were corrected, and new funds were integrated seamlessly following a majority vote.

  • Voting Stage

In the final voting round, the council members cast their votes, and with a unanimous majority, the supplemental budget report ordinance No. 1 for the fiscal year 2024 was enacted.

Funding Reallocation for Educational Projects

Education was a hot topic, with the council discussing the reallocation of funds within the annual expenditure budget. This budget modification was aimed at bolstering educational infrastructure and programs for the fiscal year 2024.

  • Renovation Projects

Three significant projects were proposed, each addressing crucial improvements needed within educational facilities:

  1. Sukhontawan School Upgrade: Three buildings within Municipal School 1 Wat Lamai were slated for renovations, with a budget of 800,000 baht earmarked for the undertaking.

  2. Swat Gesaro School Enhancement: The buildings of Municipal School 2 Wat Saket were also on the agenda to undergo significant improvements, with a substantial allocation of 2,500,000 baht.

  3. Child Development Center Refurbishment: The focus on early childhood development led to the approval of a 500,000 baht project to renovate the roof of the Child Development Center Municipal 8 Wat Santivaram.

The council reached a consensus to transfer the necessary funds, ensuring that these projects would proceed without delay, ultimately benefiting the education sector.

Smooth Proceedings Mark the Meeting

The meeting’s success was notable, with smooth proceedings and constructive discussions paving the way for positive changes in Koh Samui’s community.

Access Additional Content

For those interested in experiencing the meeting firsthand or exploring more details, additional resources are provided:

  • Photographic Evidence: A curated selection of photos from the meeting can be found at the provided Google Drive link.

  • Recorded Session: A full recording of the live-streamed council meeting is available for viewing via the Facebook video link.

Stay tuned for updates on the implementation of these projects and further developments from Koh Samui City Municipality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the main topics discussed during the Koh Samui City Municipal Council’s second regular meeting?

The main topics discussed during the meeting included the examination of the draft supplementary budget ordinance No. 1 for the fiscal year 2024, and the reallocation of funds for educational projects. This included renovations and enhancements to local schools and a child development center.

How can I access more information or view the Koh Samui City Municipal Council’s second meeting?

More information and a view of the meeting can be accessed through additional resources provided by the council. Photographic evidence of the meeting is available via a Google Drive link, and a full recorded session of the meeting is accessible through a Facebook video link.

What educational projects will benefit from the funding reallocation discussed in the Koh Samui City Municipal Council meeting?

The educational projects that will benefit from the funding reallocation include the renovation of three buildings at Sukhontawan School (Municipal School 1 Wat Lamai), substantial improvements at Swat Gesaro School (Municipal School 2 Wat Saket), and refurbishment of the roof at the Child Development Center (Municipal 8 Wat Santivaram). These projects are aimed at upgrading educational infrastructure and programs within the community.