Koh Samui’s Initiative Against Dengue Fever

health community engagement

In a proactive move to combat the spread of dengue fever, the Koh Samui Municipality Health Security Fund has unveiled a significant public health initiative titled “Community Power Weaving Project.” This program is specifically designed to halt the escalation of dengue fever in the Maenam sub-district, steering the community towards a healthier future.

Launch Event Highlights

The campaign officially kicked off on the morning of June 18, 2024, with an inaugural event held at the serene Wat Lamai located in the heart of Maenam sub-district. Mr. Pijarn Kongchatri, tasked with the responsibilities of the district public health officer, led the ceremony which marked the commencement of this vital project.

Engaging the Community

Key stakeholders including members of the municipal council, representatives from the fund’s committee, municipal employees, and the Department of Public Health and Environment participated in the event. The initiative also saw an impressive turnout from volunteer community health workers, local students, and residents, all uniting for a common cause.

Door-to-Door Campaign

One of the core activities of the project was the door-to-door Kick off campaign. Volunteers from groups 3, 4, and 6 within the Maenam sub-district took to the streets. They not only provided vital information but also handed out dengue larvae record booklets to households. This effort underscores both the gravity and the communal responsibility in curbing the spread of dengue fever.

Empowering Health Volunteers

At the crux of the program is the empowerment of volunteer community health workers and family health leaders. These individuals are tasked with the crucial role of catalyzing community engagement. They lead by example, showing how joint efforts can lead to the effective eradication of mosquito breeding grounds, thereby disrupting the lifecycle of the dengue vector.

Sustained Monitoring and Support

The project is meticulously designed to include monthly campaigns that monitor households using the larvae record booklets. This enables early detection of potential dengue cases, ensuring that affected individuals receive timely medical intervention. Such systematic tracking is instrumental in curbing the spread of the disease.

Education and Awareness

Educating the populace is a cornerstone of the initiative. By raising awareness about dengue fever, the project aims to instill a sense of vigilance and promote self-care practices among residents. This educational drive is expected to significantly reduce the overall incidence rate of dengue fever across all demographics.

Funding and Support

The “Community Power Weaving Project” has received financial backing from the Koh Samui Municipality Health Security Fund, ensuring that the necessary resources are allocated for its successful implementation. This backing underscores the commitment of local authorities to safeguard public health and foster a dengue-free environment.

As the project unfolds, the Koh Samui Municipality continues to strive for excellence in public health, setting a benchmark for other regions to emulate in the fight against dengue fever.