Malfunctioning Tsunami-Warning Buoy Recovered

tsunami warning disaster prevention

A Drifting Buoy in the Andaman Sea

Tsunami-warning buoy 23461, which stopped transmitting data on July 31, has been recovered by a navy vessel after drifting away from its original station about 340 kilometers northwest of Phuket in the Andaman Sea, reported the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM).

The search and recovery operation was organized by the DDPM, the Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Centre, and the 3rd Naval Area. The buoy was located by the offshore patrol vessel HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan, which departed from the Phang-nga navy base on Sunday at 8:30 AM to track down the buoy by following its GPS signal.

Buoy Found and Recovered

At 2:20 PM, the buoy was found approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the Koh Surin islands, off Phang-nga, and taken on board. HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan was due to return to Phang-nga navy base on Monday morning. Afterward, the buoy would be taken to the local disaster prevention and mitigation office for examination. Experts will investigate why it stopped transmitting data, why it drifted off station, and determine any necessary repairs.

Maintaining Tsunami Warning Systems

Tsunami-warning systems are crucial for providing early alerts to coastal populations in the event of a tsunami, potentially saving thousands of lives. Ensuring that these systems function correctly is vital for maintaining public safety and disaster preparedness. The recovery and analysis of malfunctioning tsunami-warning buoy 23461 will contribute to a better understanding of potential issues within the system and inform future improvements.