Phuket Overstayer Arrested with Cocaine

visa overstay drug possession

Nigerian Man Caught in Immigration Police Crackdown

Phuket authorities have arrested a Nigerian man on Thursday for overstaying his visa and possessing cocaine. The arrest is part of an ongoing crackdown by immigration police on foreigners residing in the country illegally.

Visa Overstay and Drug Possession

According to Phuket immigration police chief Pol Col Thanes Sukchai, Anamere George, 26, was apprehended at 1:30 pm on the road to the Baan Suan Loch Palm housing estate in Kathu district. George had overstayed his visa by 3 years and 10 months, and an undisclosed amount of cocaine was found in his possession.

Legal Proceedings and Deportation

Anamere George faces charges of visa overstay and illegal drug possession. He will be deported following the completion of legal proceedings. Pol Col Thanes Sukchai stated that the crackdown on overstayers started last month and will continue with support from tourist police.

Ongoing Crackdown

The crackdown on visa overstays is part of the Thai government’s efforts to improve security and maintain order. Tourist police have been actively involved in supporting these operations, ensuring that visitors comply with the country’s immigration regulations.