Third Warden to be Arrested in Chaowalit Thongduang Escape Case

prison warden escape

🔒 Breaking News: Third Warden Arrested in Shocking Escape Case! 😱 Chaowalit Thongduang, aka “Sia Paeng Nanod,” has managed to escape from a hospital in Nakhon Si Thammarat, resulting in the arrest of a third prison warden. The community is left astounded as new revelations emerge in this gripping investigation. 🕵️‍♂️ Stay tuned as police unravel the mysteries behind this unbelievable prison break! #EscapeCase #PrisonBreakMystery #BreakingNews #UnbelievableEscape #InvestigationInProgress

The escape of Chaowalit Thongduang, also known as “Sia Paeng Nanod,” from a hospital in Nakhon Si Thammarat has led to police pursuing the arrest of a third prison warden. This convict’s escape has seen several twists, leaving the community in a state of shock and prompting an extensive investigation.

Background of the Convict

Chaowalit Thongduang, a 37-year-old man, was serving time for an attempted murder charge when he managed to escape from Maharat Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital on October 22. He was initially taken to the hospital for dental treatment but was admitted after he collapsed due to leg pain. His current whereabouts remain unknown.

Chaowalit had been sentenced to 20 years and six months in jail by the Phatthalung Provincial Court for attempted murder related to an armed attack on police during a failed abduction on September 2, 2019. He commenced his sentence at Phatthalung Prison in January 2022 but was relocated to Nakhon Si Thammarat Prison on August 7 that same year.

Role of the Third Prison Warden

The Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases approved an arrest warrant on a recent Friday night for Weerachai Nuduang of Nakhon Si Thammarat Central Prison. He is facing charges under Section 157 of the Criminal Code, for dereliction of duty, as reported by provincial police chief Pol Maj Gen Somchai Suetortrakul.

Weerachai is alleged to have modified Chaowalit’s restraints a day before the latter’s escape. He is now the third prison warden facing an arrest warrant in this ongoing investigation.

Involvement of Other Wardens

Apart from Weerachai, two other prison wardens, Warinthorn Thongprachong (41) and Ekkalak Chaiyakarn (35), are facing charges for dereliction of duty in relation to Chaowalit’s escape. The court had recently sanctioned their arrest warrants.

Both Warinthorn and Ekkalak have contacted Pol Maj Gen Somchai to surrender via their lawyer.

Suspects Arrested in Connection to the Escape

In addition to the prison wardens, seven other suspects purported to have assisted Chaowalit in his escape have been arrested by the police.

As the case continues to unravel, police are expected to submit the third arrest warrant for Weerachai, who will be instructed by his superior to surrender.

This case of Chaowalit’s escape has highlighted possible misconduct within the prison system and has led to an extensive pursuit for the convict and those who aided him.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Who is Chaowalit Thongduang and why is he significant in this case?

Chaowalit Thongduang, also known as “Sia Paeng Nanod,” is a 37-year-old convict who was serving a 20 years and six-month sentence for an attempted murder charge. His escape from Maharat Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital, where he was admitted for dental treatment, has prompted an extensive investigation and led to the arrest of three prison wardens who are suspected of dereliction of duty in relation to his escape.

Q2: Who is the third prison warden arrested and why?

The third prison warden is Weerachai Nuduang from Nakhon Si Thammarat Central Prison. He is alleged to have modified Chaowalit’s restraints a day before the latter’s escape and is now facing charges under Section 157 of the Criminal Code for dereliction of duty.

Q3: What is known about the other people involved in the case?

Apart from Weerachai, two other prison wardens, Warinthorn Thongprachong (41) and Ekkalak Chaiyakarn (35), have been charged for dereliction of duty in relation to Chaowalit’s escape, and arrest warrants have been issued. In addition, seven other suspects thought to have assisted Chaowalit in his escape have been arrested by the police. The case continues to unfold, with further investigations being conducted into possible misconduct within the prison system.