Training on Preventing Illegal Fishing and Creating Understanding for Local Fishing Groups

fishing training

Opening Ceremony

On September 7, 2023, at 09:00 a.m., at Koh Tiam, Ma-ret Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, Mr. Suthat Samthong, the Deputy Mayor of Koh Samui Municipality, presided over the opening ceremony of the training on “Preventing Illegal Fishing and Creating Understanding for Local Fishing Groups.” The event was attended by provincial fisheries executives from Surat Thani, members of the municipal council, municipal employees, and 75 trainees.

Training Objectives and Topics

The training was organized under the Capacity Building and Strengthening of Fisheries Groups Project for the Fiscal Year 2023. The purpose of the project is to create knowledge and understanding of relevant laws for the fishing groups, as well as the necessary management methods and utilization of aquatic resources for fishing occupations.

Legal and Appropriate Tools for Local Fishing

Mr. Chaowalit Phetnoi, Koh Samui Fisheries Officer, provided training on the legal and appropriate tools for local fishing.

Addressing Illegal Fishing Issues and Laws

A local port officer from the Koh Samui branch provided training on addressing illegal fishing issues and laws related to the navigation of local fishing groups.

Weather Monitoring and Hazard Warning Information

The head of the Koh Samui Meteorological Station provided training on weather monitoring using radar and hazard warning information.

Fishing Methods, Areas, and Fishing Tools

Mr. Kamphon Loichuen, Surat Thani Fisheries Officer, and his team provided training on fishing methods, fishing areas, and fishing tools in the Koh Samui area. They also opened a stage for listening to opinions on fishing laws, capturing aquatic animals in the coastal area.

Sustainable Conservation and Community Collaboration

The training aimed to encourage local fishing groups in the area to participate in the conservation of natural marine and coastal resources, in line with the municipal policy and Strategy 5 for a good and sustainable environment. It supports and collaborates with communities to restore and conserve natural resources sustainably and promote the Fish House project to create aquatic animal habitats and return them to the sea to ensure the sustainability and quality of life for the fishing groups in the Koh Samui area.