Understanding the Official Information Act 1997

official information act governmental information

📚 Discover the Official Information Act 1997 📚

Learn about the Official Information Act B.E. 2540 (1997)! It’s a crucial law that enables us to access and comprehend government information. Enhance your understanding with these key points and let’s promote transparency and informed participation in our governmental processes! 💪🏼 #OfficialInformationAct #KnowledgeIsPower #GovernmentTransparency #InformedParticipation #StayInformed #OpenGovernment #AccessToInformation #Accountability #OfficialInformationCommission #NavigatingGovernment #GovernmentalProcesses

The Official Information Act B.E. 2540 (1997), managed by the Office of the Official Information Commission, is an essential piece of legislation. Its purpose is to disseminate knowledge and understanding of the access to and control of governmental information. The commission has summarized key points and discussion topics to aid comprehension of the Act. Five primary topics are detailed below:

Can Information be Sent via Electronic Mail?

The Act acknowledges the importance of modern communication methods. Electronic mail, or email, has become one of the most common methods of exchanging information. The Act stipulates that governmental information can be sent via electronic mail, ensuring easy and quick access for the public.

Scenario: No Information Available Upon Request

Sometimes, a situation may arise where requested information is not available. In such cases, the Act outlines specific procedures and actions to be taken. This ensures that the requesting party is aware of the reasons for the unavailability of information and can take relevant actions if necessary.

The Practice of Confidential Documents in Other Organizations

The Official Information Act 1997 also addresses the handling of confidential documents within different organizations. It provides guidelines to ensure that sensitive information is properly managed and protected across various governmental bodies. This ensures the integrity and security of governmental information while still providing transparency where necessary.

Opposition to the Disclosure of Information

There may be instances where individuals or groups oppose the disclosure of certain information. The Act provides a platform and procedure for addressing these concerns. This ensures that the rights of all parties are respected while still upholding the principles of transparency and accessibility that the Act is designed to promote.

Request for a Copy of the Lease

The Act also covers procedures for requesting copies of documents such as leases. This ensures that members of the public can access important documents that are relevant to their interests or concerns.

For more details on these topics, the Office of the Official Information Commission has provided a comprehensive document. This can be accessed through the following link: Official Information Act 1997 Guide.

Understanding the Official Information Act 1997 is crucial for anyone seeking to navigate the governmental information landscape. With these key points and discussion topics, it is easier to understand and apply the principles of the Act, promoting transparency, accountability, and informed participation in governmental processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Can I request governmental information to be sent via electronic mail?

In line with the progression of modern communication methods, the Official Information Act B.E. 2540 (1997) stipulates that governmental information can indeed be sent via electronic mail. This ensures that the public can access valuable information quickly and conveniently.

Question 2: What happens if the information I request is not available?

The Act has a set protocol for instances where the requested information is not readily available. It outlines specific procedures and actions to be taken so that you, the requester, are kept informed about the reasons for the unavailability of information and can take relevant actions if necessary.

Question 3: How does the Official Information Act 1997 handle the disclosure of sensitive or confidential information?

The Act provides detailed guidelines on the handling of confidential documents across various governmental bodies. While it aims to uphold the principles of transparency and accessibility, it also ensures that sensitive information is properly managed and protected, thereby maintaining the integrity and security of governmental information.