Wat Promoting Good Health Project: A Collaborative Effort for Monks’ Well-being in 2019

health promotion disease prevention

“Discover the Wat Promoting Good Health Project, empowering Buddhist monks to take charge of their own health care through self-awareness and responsibility. This groundbreaking initiative was supported by the Koh Samui Municipality Health Insurance Fund and has the potential to inspire similar programs in the future. #WatPromotingGoodHealth #BuddhistMonks #HealthcareAwareness #KohSamui #ThailandTourism”


Koh Samui Hospital embarked on an important initiative called the Wat Promoting Good Health Project in 2019. The project, supported by the Koh Samui Municipality Health Insurance Fund, focused on providing health promotion and disease prevention services to Buddhist monks. It also aimed to instill a sense of self-awareness and responsibility for their own health care.

The Launch Event

On October 3, 2019, at 09:30 am, the Wat Promoting Good Health Project was officially launched at Wat Don Thoop, a temple located in the Lipa Noi subdistrict. Dr. Nisa Limsuwan presided over the opening ceremony. In attendance were the committee of the Health Insurance Fund, Buddhist monks, hospital staff, and municipal employees from the Department of Public Health and Environment.

Objectives of the Project

The main objectives of the Wat Promoting Good Health Project were:

  1. To provide health promotion services to the Buddhist monks, ensuring they maintain a healthy lifestyle and are equipped with the knowledge to prevent diseases.
  2. To offer disease prevention services by conducting regular check-ups and offering guidance on how to reduce the risks of chronic illnesses.
  3. To encourage monks to take responsibility for their own health care and understand the importance of self-care.

The Role of the Health Insurance Fund

The Koh Samui Municipality Health Insurance Fund played a crucial role in supporting the implementation of the Wat Promoting Good Health Project. They provided the necessary financial assistance and resources, enabling the project to be carried out smoothly and effectively.

Collaborating with the Department of Public Health and Environment

The Department of Public Health and Environment was actively involved in the project. They provided expertise on health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental health. Their input and guidance were invaluable in ensuring the project’s success.

Impact of the Project

The Wat Promoting Good Health Project had a significant impact on the lives of the participating Buddhist monks. With access to health promotion resources and education on disease prevention, they were better equipped to take care of their health. The project fostered a sense of self-awareness and responsibility among the monks, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

Future Outlook

The success of the Wat Promoting Good Health Project in 2019 demonstrates the potential for similar initiatives in the future. Through collaborations between hospitals, municipalities, and community organizations, it is possible to create a lasting impact on the health and well-being of various communities, including Buddhist monks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the main objectives of the Wat Promoting Good Health Project?

The main objectives of the Wat Promoting Good Health Project were to provide health promotion services to Buddhist monks, offer disease prevention services through regular check-ups and guidance, and encourage monks to take responsibility for their own health care and understand the importance of self-care.

How did the Koh Samui Municipality Health Insurance Fund and the Department of Public Health and Environment contribute to the project?

The Koh Samui Municipality Health Insurance Fund provided financial assistance and resources for the project, while the Department of Public Health and Environment offered expertise on health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental health. Their collaboration was crucial to the project’s success.

What impact did the Wat Promoting Good Health Project have on the participating Buddhist monks and what does the future hold for similar initiatives?

The Wat Promoting Good Health Project had a significant impact on the participating monks by giving them access to health promotion resources and education on disease prevention, fostering self-awareness and responsibility for their health care. The success of this project demonstrates the potential for future similar initiatives that can create a lasting impact on the health and well-being of various communities, including Buddhist monks.