Extended Operating Hours for Night Entertainment Venues

night entertainment venues tourist safety

Exciting news for night owls in Thailand! The government is considering extending operating hours of night entertainment venues until 4 am. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to enjoy the nightlife even more! 🌃🎉 #NightEntertainment #ExtendedOperatingHours #Thailand #KhaoSanRoad #Nightlife #PartyTime #ExploreThailand

Exploring Pilot Locations

The Interior Ministry is actively collaborating with relevant stakeholders to identify suitable pilot areas for the government’s plan to extend the operating hours of night entertainment venues until 4 am. This initiative follows a new regulation proposed by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin to extend the closing time from 2 am to 4 am.

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul announced that the pilot locations would be disclosed once all involved parties, such as the police and venue owners, establish safety protocols and operational procedures.

Ensuring Tourist Safety and Venue Compliance

In response to concerns about tourist safety, Anutin emphasized that night entertainment venue operators must rigorously screen their customers and collaborate with law enforcement officers. National police chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol also expressed the police’s willingness to support the new regulation, although the finalized details have yet to be released.

Torsak affirmed that if the extension of operating hours is approved, all venues, both within and outside the pilot locations, must strictly adhere to the law.

Support from the Khao San Road Business Association

Sanga Ruangwattanakul, president of the Khao San Road Business Association, expressed agreement with the proposed extension of alcohol sales and venue operating hours. The association plans to convene next week before submitting an open letter to the Prime Minister requesting an end to the restrictions on alcohol-selling hours.

Additionally, the association will propose a reduction in the excise tax rate for entrepreneurs, from the current 10% to 3%. Ruangwattanakul argues that as excise tax is already collected from manufacturers, imposing an additional tax on entrepreneurs constitutes double taxation.

Next Steps for the Extended Hours Proposal

With the support of the Interior Ministry, the national police, and the Khao San Road Business Association, the proposal to extend operating hours for night entertainment venues is gaining momentum. The next steps include identifying pilot locations, establishing safety protocols, and collaborating with involved parties to ensure a smooth implementation of the extended hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the government’s plan for night entertainment venues in Thailand?

The government of Thailand is considering extending the operating hours of night entertainment venues until 4 am, with pilot locations to be disclosed once all involved parties establish safety protocols and operational procedures.

Q2: How is the government addressing tourist safety and venue compliance for night entertainment venues?

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul emphasizes that venue operators must rigorously screen their customers and collaborate with law enforcement officers to ensure tourist safety and compliance with regulations. National police chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol also affirms the police’s willingness to support the new regulation.

Q3: How does the Khao San Road Business Association support the extended operating hours proposal?

The Khao San Road Business Association, led by its president Sanga Ruangwattanakul, agrees with the proposal to extend alcohol sales and venue operating hours. They will submit an open letter to the Prime Minister requesting an end to the restrictions on alcohol-selling hours and propose a reduction in the excise tax rate for entrepreneurs from the current 10% to 3%.