Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Surveillance and Prevention Project

health promotion disease prevention

Launch Event at Ban Bo Phut School

On September 12, 2023, at 09:00 a.m., Ban Bo Phut School in Bo Phut Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, hosted the opening ceremony of the Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Surveillance and Prevention Project. Mr. Suchat Sri-insai, a National Health Security Fund Committee member, presided over the event. Attendees included the Fund Committee, officials from the Bang Rak Public Health Service Center, teachers, students, municipal officials, and the Public Health and Environment Department.

Target Group and Objectives

The project’s target group consists of 160 pre-school (levels 1-3) and first-grade students. Its primary objective is to provide health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation, and primary healthcare services alongside activities to promote health and disease prevention.

Knowledge Dissemination and Monitoring

The project aims to equip teachers, parents, and students with knowledge and understanding about hand, foot, and mouth disease. This information enables them to monitor the contagious disease in classrooms, focusing on disseminating advice on health care, especially handwashing and personal hygiene practices. These practices help prevent and control the spread of the disease.

Reducing Disease Prevalence

Through this project, Ban Bo Phut School seeks to reduce the prevalence of hand, foot, and mouth disease in its classrooms. By promoting personal hygiene and proper handwashing techniques, the school hopes to minimize the spread of this contagious disease among students.

Support from the Koh Samui Municipality National Health Security Fund

The Koh Samui Municipality National Health Security Fund recognizes the importance of this project. By supporting and promoting its implementation, the fund aims to help the project achieve its goals and create a healthier future for the students of Ban Bo Phut School.