SHAPE APAC 2023: Building Resilient Asia-Pacific

asia-pacific collaboration

“Collaboration, innovation, and resilience were at the heart of SHAPE APAC 2023, a three-day conference organized by the Global Shaper Bangkok Hub. Bringing together 178 Shapers from 70 hubs in 30 countries, the event focused on rebuilding a resilient region through sustainable practices, tourism, and creative economy. #SHAPEAPAC2023 #GlobalShaperBangkokHub #ResilientRegion #SustainableTourism #CreativeEconomy”

Uniting Youth Leaders for Regional Resilience

At the heart of a multifaceted crisis, the Global Shaper Bangkok Hub identified an urgent need for cooperation and action among countries and regions. This realization led to the organization of SHAPE APAC 2023, a three-day conference focused on promoting collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the Asia-Pacific area. Held from September 22nd to 24th, the event gathered 178 enthusiastic Shapers from 70 hubs in 30 countries under the theme “Rebuilding a Resilient Region.”

Reconnecting and Setting the Stage

The conference began with an emphasis on reestablishing connections among Shapers after a lengthy hiatus. The World Economic Forum delivered an opening address which set the context for discussions on comprehending and tackling intricate global issues. The day wrapped up with a scenic Chao Phraya Cruise networking event, allowing attendees to enjoy a taste of Bangkok while establishing informal connections.

Exploring Diverse Experiences

The second day aimed to re-inspire participants through a variety of experiences:

  • Track 1: Energy & Food Security – One group addressed urgent Energy & Food Security concerns, visiting SCG and Simummuang markets to learn about sustainable practices.
  • Track 2: Tourism & Creative Economy – Another group delved into the vibrant realm of Tourism & Creative Economy with a trip to TCDC, which featured a tea tasting workshop and a stimulating panel discussion on the vital role of a creative economy.
  • Track 3: Wellness & Healthcare for All – The third track visited Patom Organic Living, engaging in wellness practices and holistic healthcare.

The day concluded with a cultural gala dinner, where attendees celebrated their diverse backgrounds by wearing traditional clothing. A world cafe session showcased successful projects from hubs around the globe, encouraging cross-hub initiatives and learning from both triumphs and setbacks. This experience solidified the bonds formed during SHAPE APAC 2023.

Immersing in Local Culture and Traditions

The final day involved participants in outdoor activities at Suan Sampran, including rice planting, tea tasting, learning the art of crafting Som Tum, and experiencing local culture and customs. These activities further enriched the experience for attendees, strengthening their connections and understanding of the region.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sponsors

We are grateful to ThaiBev, One Bangkok, Fraser, C-Asean, King’s Stella, Simummuang, Bitkub Capital Group, and all our sponsors and impact partners for their unwavering dedication to making SHAPE APAC 2023 possible. Their support has been invaluable in facilitating this event.

Strengthening the Asia-Pacific Region through Collaboration

Characterized by insightful discussions, innovative solutions, and meaningful relationships, SHAPE APAC 2023 has laid the foundation for continued cooperation in building a resilient Asia-Pacific region. The event stands as a testament to the power of youth-led initiatives and global collaboration, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated. For more information, please reach out to us at

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the main themes of SHAPE APAC 2023, and what activities did the event include?

SHAPE APAC 2023, organized by the Global Shaper Bangkok Hub, focused on rebuilding a resilient region in the Asia-Pacific area through sustainable practices, tourism, and creative economy. The event included various activities such as reconnecting with fellow Shapers, exploring diverse experiences in energy & food security, tourism & creative economy, and wellness & healthcare, and immersing in local culture and traditions.

How did the conference engage participants in different thematic tracks?

The conference offered three thematic tracks for participants to engage in: Energy & Food Security, where attendees visited SCG and Simummuang markets to learn about sustainable practices; Tourism & Creative Economy, featuring a trip to TCDC with tea tasting and a panel discussion on the role of creative economy; and Wellness & Healthcare for All, which included a visit to Patom Organic Living for wellness practices and holistic healthcare.

How did SHAPE APAC 2023 contribute to building a resilient Asia-Pacific region?

SHAPE APAC 2023 brought together 178 Shapers from 70 hubs in 30 countries to promote collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the Asia-Pacific area. Throughout the event, attendees participated in insightful discussions, shared innovative solutions, and built meaningful relationships, which laid the foundation for continued cooperation in building a resilient Asia-Pacific region. The event stands as a testament to the power of youth-led initiatives and global collaboration.