Three Kenyan Women Arrested in Phuket Airport for Cocaine Smuggling

cocaine smuggling drug trafficking

Suspects Concealed Drugs in Unusual Manner

Three Kenyan women were arrested at Phuket airport after being discovered carrying nearly 3kg of cocaine, with an estimated worth of 10 million baht. The narcotics were concealed within their bodies, specifically in their vaginas and stomachs.

Alert from Office of the Narcotics Control Board

Local police and customs officials at Phuket airport were informed on Sunday about potential foreign smugglers by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board. This alert led to the apprehension of the Kenyan women on Tuesday.

Initial Searches Yielded No Results

Upon conducting body searches, the airport officers initially found no illegal substances on the suspects. However, further investigation led to a different outcome.

X-ray Scans Reveal Hidden Cocaine

X-ray scans performed at Thalang Hospital unveiled the truth: the women had swallowed capsules containing cocaine. Additionally, they had inserted larger bars of the drug into their vaginas.

Total Cocaine Recovered: 2,857 Grammes

Police were able to recover a total of 2,857 grammes of cocaine from the suspects, according to Pol Col Salan Santisatsanakul, chief of the Sakhu police station.

Suspects Identified and Charged

The suspects have been identified as Faith Wanza Musembi, 26; Nelly Gacheri Ruuri, 26; and Grace Wangari Karok, 34. They have been charged with colluding in having Category 2 drugs in their possession and were taken to the Sakhu police station for legal action.

Drug Smuggling Remains a Persistent Issue

This incident highlights the lengths to which criminals will go in an attempt to smuggle drugs across borders. The use of innovative methods for concealment continues to pose challenges for law enforcement agencies in their ongoing battle against drug trafficking.