Exercise with Aerobics to Reduce Childhood Obesity Project

aerobic exercise childhood obesity

Launch of the Project

On September 5, 2023, at 9:30 AM, Wat Phu Khao Thong School in Mae Nam Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, held the opening ceremony for the Exercise with Aerobics to Reduce Childhood Obesity Project. Miss Siranee Sisikajorn, Deputy Director of Wat Phu Khao Thong School, presided over the event. Key participants included members of the municipal council, health fund committee, teachers, students, trainers, municipal staff, and representatives from the Department of Public Health and Environment.

Tackling Childhood Obesity through Aerobic Exercise

The project was initiated in response to the growing number of students at risk of obesity. Physical exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, can help address this issue by reducing childhood obesity, belly fat, and the risk of various diseases.

When engaging in proper aerobic exercise, the body and brain receive more oxygen, which helps burn fat in the bloodstream, strengthen the lungs and circulatory system, increase efficiency, and lower the levels of triglycerides. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart and brain blockages, increases good HDL cholesterol, decreases excess sugar levels, prevents diabetes, and mitigates the risk of various other diseases.

Project Implementation and Schedule

The project recommends aerobic exercise sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for one hour after school. These regular exercise sessions aim to educate students, instill good attitudes towards health care and exercise, promote a love for exercise, and guide students to adjust their eating habits according to their individual needs.

Support from the Koh Samui Municipality Health Fund

Recognizing the importance of addressing childhood obesity, the Koh Samui Municipality Health Fund supports the implementation of the Exercise with Aerobics to Reduce Childhood Obesity Project, ensuring that it achieves its goals for the benefit of the students and the community.